Fsd 3 Auto Installer Usb

Installer ini juga memungkinkan untuk menginstal F3 secara auto, dengan mengatur dashlaunch sebelumnya agar dapat meluncurkan F3 saat konsol booting. Untuk memasang Freestyle Dashboard (FSD) dengan menggunakan F3Installer ini cukup mudah, dengan mengInject F3Installer kedalam USB Flash drive, kemudian menghubungkan Flashdisk dengan XBOX, kita. PlayStation 3 Content The one stop place for all Digiex's PS3 downloads, including tools and homebrew content. Remember do not post tools that help with piracy.
Step #1: Download Aurora dashboard (0.5b) from here: [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
Virus Scan: [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
Step #2: Make a folder on your console named Aurora.
Step #3: Extract all of the files from the download onto your desktop.
Step #4: At this point you have two options, you can FTP these files to the Aurora folder on your console using a FTP client of your choice (Neighborhood or any other FTP client) or you can use a USB Flash Drive and move them to the folder manually using XeXMenu/FSD.
Step #5: Once you have these files on your HDD in the Aurora folder, launch 'Aurora.xex' this will load the Aurora dashboard. Once Aurora has loaded you will be brought to a empty screen with no games on it, don't worry, we just need to set your file paths.
Step #6: To set your file paths press 'Start' on your Xbox 360 Controller, next scroll down to 'Content Scanning' and hover over 'Add' under 'Manage Paths'. Next click add and you will be brought to a screen that will let you choose a path for your games. Go to a directory such as your games folder and press 'Y' while hovering over the name of the folder. Depending on where you game folder is on your HDD you might need to change your Scan Depth to a higher value. Since I have my games folder on the Root of my HDD a scan depth of '3' should work fine, my xbox has this path 'Xbox360SystemHddGames' so depending on how far your games folder is from the root of your HDD you will need to change the value of your scan path. Once you are done adding your paths make sure that 'AutoScan' is checked, this will enable Aurora to scan for new games upon the launch of Aurora Dashboard, now click 'Save'.
Step #7: Reboot Aurora Dashboard and your games should now show up.
I have a few machines around the place on separate networks with their own UPS. This is my guide to remind me how to setup a system to correctly interface with the UPS so that when there is a power outage it will send me an email to let me know and after a little time gently shutdown the machine.
Install your favourite flavour of Ubuntu
I'm using 16.04 LTS server but any recent version should do the job
I've used a number of guides to get NUT to work to my liking. I've taken the good bits from these guides:
https://srackham.wordpress.com/2013/02/27/configuring-nut-for-the-eaton-3s-ups-on-ubuntu-linux/ I scintilla optics rar.
Install NUT:sudo apt install nut
Figure out what UPS you have:lsusb
I got:
Edit ups.confsudo vi /etc/nut/ups.conf

Configure file as follows:
Configure udev rules for usbhid-upssudo cp /lib/udev/rules.d/52-nut-usbups.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
reboot machine in order to load these rules
The driver service upsdrvctl needs a /var/run/nut directory:sudo mkdir /var/run/nut
sudo chown root:nut /var/run/nut
sudo chmod 770 /var/run/nut
Test the ups.conf file:sudo upsdrvctl start
You should see something like:
or maybe if you are using a APS UPS:
configure /etc/nut/upsd.users as follows:
configure /etc/nut/upsmon.conf as follows:
configure /etc/nut/nut.conf to set the mode:
*Assuming you have postfix configured (see my postfix and smartmontools post for some clues )
create a nut-notify script to allow you to be emailed of a power failure:
sudo vim /usr/local/bin/nut-notify.sh
insert something like this:
Then, make the script executable:sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nut-notify.sh